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Be an Advocate for Vision

Prevent Blindness represents millions of people of all ages, backgrounds, and circumstances across the country who live with low vision, vision impairment, and vision-related eye diseases. Advocacy at Prevent Blindness is part of our founding purpose, and our work to elevate vision and eye health as a public health priority continues to this day. Prevent Blindness meets this challenge by connecting patients to their legislators and policy makers and encouraging them to implement policies that protect and expand access to sight-saving care—including prevention, rehabilitation, and innovation—and ensure Americans can look forward to a lifetime of healthy vision.

Eyes on Capitol Hill gives advocates the opportunity to educate Congress about the challenges Americans face accessing vision and eye care, stress the importance of early intervention in order to prevent eye diseases from progressing, and highlight the federal programs that help promote our nation’s vision and eye health. Prevent Blindness advocates and state-based affiliates together bring their personal stories to Capitol Hill to ensure that Congress continues to fight for the eye care needs of their constituents and work toward policies that keep Americans living, working, learning, and playing throughout their lives with clear, healthy eyesight.