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Common Eye Myths

It’s important to separate fact from fiction, especially when the topic is eyesight. Knowing how to take good care of your eyes is the first step to protecting your sight for a lifetime.


Myth:  Failure to Use Proper Glasses Will Hurt Your Eyes

Fact: This statement does have some truth for a small number of people. Some children have eye problems that can be corrected, and it is important that they wear their glasses. While corrective glasses or contacts are needed to improve eyesight, using your eyes with or without glasses will not damage them further.


Myth: Reading In Dim Light Can Damage Your Eyes.

Fact: Reading in dim light can cause eye fatigue, but it will not hurt your eyes.


Myth: Eating Carrots Will Improve Your Vision.

Fact: While it is true that carrots are high in Vitamin A, which is an essential vitamin for sight, only a small amount is necessary for good vision.

Find out more about healthy living and healthy vision.


Myth: There’s Nothing You Can Do About Preventing Sight Loss.

Fact: Regular eye exams and proper safety eyewear can save your sight.


Myth: An Eye Exam is Only Necessary If You’re Having Problems.

Fact: Everyone should follow a proper eye health program that includes a regular eye exam, whether or not they’re having any noticeable signs of problems.

Find out more about getting professional eye care.


Myth: Watching Television For Too Long Or Sitting Too Close Can Damage Your Eyes

Fact: There is no evidence to suggest that watching television for too long or sitting too close can damage your eyes. Young children often sit close to the television screen because they have a greater ability to focus on objects closer to their eyes than adults do. Due to this, children hold their reading material close as well. However, as they grow older, these habits usually change. If not, this may be a sign of myopia (nearsightedness). To detect possible eye problems, children should have regular eye exams.

Find out more about electronic devices and your eyes.