
Women’s Health and Vision Event

The Health Museum, 1515 Hermann Drive, Houston, TX 77004

More women than men have cataracts, glaucoma, and AMD. Want to learn more?

Don’t miss out on this event that will provide you the opportunity to learn about and discuss the importance of eye health and vision. This engagement and education opportunity will include a networking reception in the exhibit hall at the Health Museum and then an exciting dialogue and presentation, including Dr. Jane Edmond as the keynote speaker. We will also have a panel including three leading women professionals in the vision and health space discuss how important vision is, the risks women face related to vision loss and how to be proactive in taking care of your vision. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions directly to our panelists and engage in meaningful discussion to learn and empower themselves in taking care of their health and vision.

For questions about our upcoming event, please email Heather Patrick at [email protected].

Register today!