The EDVI Act – Social Media Toolkit and Graphics

Be a Voice for Children’s Vision

Prevent Blindness has prepared hashtags, graphics and suggested posts for personal advocate and organizational partner use. Use the suggested posts in your captions, and please be sure to tag Prevent Blindness in your posts so we can amplify your voices!

Download the Social Media Toolkit

Early Detection of Vision Impairments for Children's Act

How to Support the EDVI Act on Social Media

Suggested Hashtags: #EDVIAct   #SupportTheEDVIAct  

Call to Action Link:

Find Your Member of Congress or Senator’s Social Media Accounts:

  • Step One: Click on interested state.
  • Step Two: Click on the legislator’s profile box.
  • Step Three: Click on the interested social media account icon.

Note: Not every legislator uses every social media channel available.

Prevent Blindness on Social Media



X (Formerly known as Twitter)




Suggested Social Media Posts and Captions

These suggested posts are a guide for use in posting social media graphics. Please feel free to customize your own post (such as by adding a vision story) if you prefer and add the hashtag and Call to Action link in your post!

Prevent Blindness is proud to support the introduction of the #EDVIAct. This landmark, bipartisan legislation will establish the first federal program to specifically address children’s vision. We call on Congress to #SupportTheEDVIAct and invite advocates to do the same:

Prevent Blindness applauds @RepGusBilirakis and @RepVeasey for their bipartisan leadership in introducing the #EDVIAct. Contact your Member of Congress and ask them to support children’s vision and eye health: #SupportTheEDVIAct

Early detection and intervention of vision problems can help a child avoid preventable vision loss and blindness. The #EDVIAct is an important step in providing children with the services and eye health care they need and deserve. #SupportTheEDVIAct

Did you know that there is no specific federal program that addresses children’s vision and eye health? The #EDVIAct is bipartisan legislation that seeks to change that. Learn more and act today to help pass this important bill!

The #EDVIAct would establish the first federal program to address children’s vision and eye health. Without it, children face numerous challenges accessing the vision and eye health services they need to thrive. Contact your Member of Congress and ask them to #SupportTheEDVIAct:

The path to eye care for children is not always clear. The #EDVIAct promotes a system of care—including early detection (such as vision screening), referral to eye care, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up to care— that ensures that childhood vision problems are caught and treated before progressing to unnecessary permanent vision loss. Learn more here:

The #EDVIAct creates resources for states and communities to use to improve children’s vision and eye health. Congress can pass the #EDVIAct to help ensure children have access to sight-saving eye care. Here’s how you can help:

Downloadable and Shareable Graphics

Graphics are available for use in social media posts, newsletters, or adding to your website to help drive support for the EDVI Act. Please feel free to use the suggested posts and captions and tag Prevent Blindness with the appropriate hashtags and Call to Action link!

Let's work together to bring children to eye care.

For children, the path to eye care is not always clear.

Nearly 1 in 4 American children in the U.S. have an undetected vision problem.