
Eyes on Capitol Hill 2013

Eyes on Capitol Hill Keeps Advocates Busy

On Wednesday, June 19th, PBA held the 8th annual Eyes on Capitol Hill event and its virtual counterpart – Eyes on America

Through Eyes on Capitol Hill, constituents met with their government representatives to discuss their personal vision-related stories and advocate for public policy and funding related to eye health. Throughout the day our 33 advocates made a total of 66 office visits, including personal meetings with Sen. Barbara Boxer, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Sen. Tom Harkin, Rep. Gus Bilirakis, Rep. Kathy Castor, Rep. John Lewis,Rep. Gwen Moore, and many more. 

Kira Baldonado, PBA director of the National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health, and Prevent Blindness Iowa Executive Director Jeanne Burmeister, meet with  Sen. Tom Harkin to discuss the importance of vision health programs and services.

Congressional asks included continued support for efforts at CDC, HRSA, and NEI.  Eyes on America provided an opportunity for constituents across the country to add their voice to our mission.  While Eyes on Capitol Hill is officially over, our action alert is still alive.  If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to send a quick email to your Members of Congress using this link –