New UCSF Study: Eyeglass Compliance for Preschoolers.

Prevent Blindness Northern California’s See Well to Learn program delivered school-based vision screenings, on-site eye exams, free eyeglasses, and referrals to pediatric ophthalmologists as needed to preschoolers in low income neighborhoods in San Francisco and Oakland. All services were conducted onboard a special mobile clinic that was driven to preschool sites—the “Eye Bus.” Through a

Fight for Sight and Prevent Blindness Announce Recipient of the 2020 Joanne Angle Public Health Award

Research Grant Awarded to Angela R. Elam, MD, Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan Fight for Sight, the first nonprofit organization in the United States to promote eye research, and Prevent Blindness announced today the recipient of the 2020 Joanne Angle Public Health Award as Angela R. Elam, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology and Visual